【Marriage Quiz Question】You receive an advertisement for a house with a beautiful villa, but there is no scenery around. If you were asked to add something to the villa, what would you choose?
Marriage Quiz: Are you fit for married life?
【Test result】A Trees and sunlight are both indispensable parts of real life. You have a solid concept of marriage and life, and will practice your ideal step by step, so you are a standard good husband or wife.
【Test result】B The things you choose are all decorative. You are full of beautiful fantasies about marriage, but you are not competent in actual family life. Marriage is not maintained by romantic atmosphere alone, but also requires hard work to achieve happy results.
【Test result】C You are a person who has both ideals and reality. In addition to taking on real life responsibilities, you will also create some romantic atmosphere from time to time, and you may have the happiest married life!
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