How to maintain dried flowers for longer?

If the delicacy of fresh flowers is water-based, the tenacity of dried flowers is fire-based, showing another kind of vitality. The flowers and leaves are so hot that they seem to be burning, they are very contagious. So no matter what style of room it is, with a bouquet of dried flowers, the luxurious one will remove a bit of the mundane, while the plain one will add some style. Although they are hard to put down, they are easily damaged. How can we keep these fiery dried flowers? Let's listen to the editor one by one:

step one

Hang it upside down in a ventilated place at home. After two to three days, when the flowers are all dry, remove the dried flowers, leaves and branches.

step two

Put some small dried flowers or dried flowers with special shapes in a small space, never put water (glassware or other)

step three

You can drop a few drops of essential oil on the dried flowers. The diffusion of essential oil can fill the whole room with aroma.

step four

To make dried flowers last longer, you must also pay attention to moisture and insects. To regularly remove dust from dried flowers, just use a hair dryer, this is to prevent excessive dust from depositing on dried flowers; dried flowers should not be wetted, even if they are dirty, they cannot be washed with water, and can only be blown by wind.

Other things to pay attention to

When inserting dried flowers, don't make them appear symmetrical. Although dried flowers are lifeless, they still have a strong natural flavor. If the dried flower is neat and symmetrical, its natural beauty will be lost.

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