Let you know more about 12 secrets of women!

"What do women want? Why are they so hard to understand? What are they thinking?"

If I get a dollar every time a person asks this question, I may now have more money than Li Ka-shing.

Women are actually nice and not hard to understand. To understand that women are actually easy and don't need to move around, you just have to learn to look under the surface. After that, you will open and everything will make more sense.

So in order to teach you what you need to know about women, from the most basic factors that affect women to their core elements and why you never seem to understand them, I'm going to break them down one by one.

1# Why are women so indecisive?
For men with typical male brains, women's brains are simply too indecisive. However, it's not that they actually have difficulty making decisions, it's that they value different standards than men when making decisions.

For people with strong masculinity, making a decision or completing a task can give them a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, people with strong femininity will need to spend a lot of time making sure that everyone is happy with the decision they have made. They care more about how other people feel and what other people think about the decision than the decision itself.

A happy ending is often what they are after. As for the outcome of the decision, they don't care at all.

Asking a woman to be decisive is as difficult as asking a man not to make any decisions.

2# Why do women like talking on the phone so much?
For a man, coming to a conclusion on one thing or completing a to-do item can give him a certain degree of satisfaction, because men tend to "talk-discuss-conclude-end the call" kind of. goal-directed behavior.

But for women, what can bring them satisfaction is the communication and connection between people, that is to say, women like to chat on the phone, whether the content of the chat is meaningful or what the topic is is not important, the important thing is Those moments of laughing or crying, sharing in the process.

This may sound incomprehensible to many men with typical male brains (just as the way men talk on the phone confuses women), but you have to know that women need to create these connections for satisfaction.

Asking a woman to talk on the phone within a time limit is as torturous as asking a man to talk aimlessly on the phone for two hours straight.

3# Why do women feel that there is always one less piece of clothing in the closet?
For men, most of their wardrobes are functionally oriented, such as comfortable to wear, sports wicking, formal wear for work, etc.

But for women with a strong female mindset, clothes have a different meaning.

If you think about it, if your satisfaction comes from interacting with people, and what you wear will indirectly affect your interactions with people, clothes are much more important.

That sexy long black dress must be paired with those high heels, it is very important to grab the latest season of brown ankle boots at the high-end Italian shoe store to match your new short dress, because they will make the legs appear very proportional it is good.

These theories can be ludicrous to men, because owning that many pairs of shoes doesn't make you more efficient at getting work done, and owning thousands of clothes doesn't give you superpowers.

But asking a woman to buy clothes can only be based on the performance of the clothes, just like asking a man to choose good-looking clothes in order to get the "approval" of others.

4# Why do women like to be with scumbags?

What kind of man do you think makes a woman feel safe?

  •  A A man who is powerful and powerful, who speaks out the truth, and moves forward courageously when he has a goal
  •  B A man who is deeply insecure, needs to be cared, is eager to gain other people's approval, is often afraid of things, dare not try, and loves to make excuses?

I believe the answer is obvious.

But what if that man has a masculine trait and treats women badly at the same time? What if he cheats on girls and makes girls sad?

Of course, a woman will not feel that this relationship brings her 100% satisfaction, but it is still much more stable than being with a man b. From a male point of view, it is very unwise to be with a man who does not know how to be nice to you. But for women, this behavior may seem stupid on the surface, but under the surface, the "guarantee" that a scumbag brings to them is still much higher. If you want to know more bad men, why can you refer to the secrets of so many girls: Bad Men Super Eight

5# Why do women need to constantly make sure everything will be ok?

Every time a man completes a task, he moves on to the next to-do item, and this process gives them a sense of certainty about their abilities, letting them know that everything will come naturally. If he has a stable job, a shelter from the wind and rain, and food at home, and he can do many things he wants, he will generally be satisfied.

Women's sources of satisfaction, however, are subject to change (human-to-human communication), which is why their habitual need to constantly confirm the source of their satisfaction.

She will feel relieved when you take her in your arms and tell her that everything will be ok, but the next moment she sees a woman walking past you and looks away with "what are you wearing?" Glancing at her, her last second of peace of mind will disappear immediately.

Because the source of their sense of security does not have a solid foundation, they need constant physical or verbal feedback from others to gain affirmation. But beyond that, there's another reason why they can't control their desire to be constantly recognized.

Monthly hormonal fluctuations are very small and insignificant for men after puberty, but not for women.

During the long decades after puberty and before menopause, women's monthly hormonal fluctuations are wild and uncontrolled. Maybe today she still feels fine, but the next day she may become emotionally unstable without any external interference, just because her menstrual period is coming soon.

Can you imagine what that feels like? Waking up every morning thinking that today your emotions might feel like a roller coaster ride and there's nothing you can do about it. If you need to go through this every day, don't you yearn for constant affirmation and security from others?

I know I will.

6# Why do women like to test men?
It doesn't make sense for men to keep asking the same questions. Because their answers don't change based on the number of times you ask. But for women it is necessary. As I mentioned earlier, a woman's "affirmation" comes from communicating with people, so when she is with you, she must want to seek that affirmation from you through constant communication.

So it will give her a sense of security if your tone of voice is affirmative and confident every time. But sometimes the answers you get in such a calm and relaxed situation aren't enough, she'll want to see how you react under pressure, and she'll get more if you're still assertive and confident in your tone. sense of security.

The more severe the situation in which she tests you, the more important your answer will be.

The simple reason why a woman will want to keep testing you is because a woman needs constant communication to gain a sense of presence, and you are one of the most important people she uses to find that feeling.

7# Why do women prefer bad men?
In everyone's impression, a typical "bad man" is a prodigal son who seems to be wandering forever. He loves going to different places, he's always looking for interesting and new things to do, and his life is basically an adventure; he's never just sitting around waiting for an opportunity to come, because he loves getting out there.

Actionists gain self-affirmation by "acting" on the things they love, and he will fully reveal this "certainty" in front of women. Unlike those who just sit passively and wait for others to affirm, he is bold and dares to try.

Also because of his rich experience, his "certainty" and "confidence" in many things will naturally attract countless women to him. If you want to know more bad men, why can you refer to the secrets of so many girls: Bad Men Super Eight

8# Women are so sensitive? ? ?
Much of a man's self-affirmation comes from setting goals and taking action, so it's easy to feel lost or frustrated when they find that they can't make a difference or do what they want. Women, on the other hand, rarely feel lost because they can't act, because their "certainty" about themselves comes from interacting with people, which means that other people's reactions to them are often the cause of their depression or loneliness.

This is also the reason why they appear to be very sensitive. The great criterion for judging the quality of the interaction process with people comes from "feeling".

Telling a woman that the pants she's wearing make him look fat is as cruel as stopping a man from playing a game.

9# Why do women like to go to the toilet in groups?
Not only is it weird for a guy to go to the bathroom with another guy, it's also very inefficient. Suppose you and another person have different things to accomplish in a limited space, and doing it together will only slow down each other's time.

But for women, it couldn't be more reasonable.

Having someone to accompany, support, and interact with when doing anything is one of the criteria for a woman to judge her self-worth. The more feminine the brain, the higher the need for it.

Asking a woman to go to the bathroom without a friend is as uncomfortable as asking a man to take his five best friends to the bathroom when there is only one bathroom.

10# Why do women ask their sisters for their opinions on everything?
The answer to this question is the same as the answer to "Why are women so indecisive?"

Men care about the correctness of the decision and the efficiency of the decision when making a decision, so making the most appropriate decision is more important than who agrees.

And women are highly sensitive to feedback from other people, so making sure everyone is happy with the decision made is often more important than the quality of the decision itself.

This is why women are so fond of seeking the opinions of good friends, because for women, the opinions of those around them are always the most important thing.

Asking a woman not to ask her good sister before making any decision is just as difficult as asking a man to ask his friend's opinion about everything, and then to ask his friend's opinion to prevail regardless of whether the opinion is good or bad.

11# Why don't women take the initiative to approach men?
I have mentioned it many times before, and I believe you have already remembered it, "A woman's certainty about herself comes from interacting with people." It means that "rejected" is equivalent to "you are not good enough" in their dictionary, and such a message will greatly destroy their self-confidence and self-affirmation. When a woman is rejected, she feels as helpless as a man loses an arm.

If the price of your failure to approach a woman is to lose an arm, would you still be willing to try?

So this is why many women are reluctant to take the initiative.

12# Why do women's conversations often seem unfocused?
For men, the purpose and focus of the conversation are very important, and when the conversation comes to an end, it is best to draw a conclusion as the perfect ending. He has to know the meaning and purpose of everything he does, but for a woman none of that matters, knowing how your car's engine works doesn't make her feel good.

An emotional, communicative conversation is what they like. It makes them feel more fulfilled by talking to people to make deep connections for them.

Women talk without a subject or purpose because drawing conclusions is never the purpose of their conversation. Asking a woman to revolve around the same thing is like asking a man to aimlessly talk about 10 different things without drawing any conclusions.

in conclusion
The reason why women's behavior and thinking patterns often seem bizarre in the eyes of men is that women's physiological needs are very different from men's. This basic difference has led to many differences in behavior and thinking between the sexes and lack of understanding.

So after reading these points above, you should ask yourself this question:

"What kind of woman attracts you the most?"

When they're happy, uninhibited, and sexy
When they feel helpless, insecure and self-doubting
I believe the answer is obvious.

But when do women show their best side? In fact, it is when they feel safe, cared about, and affirmed.

You already know what kind of woman you want (happy, fun, sexy), and now you know how to make women show their side (help them get more "affirmation").

You should encourage them to get along (interact) with their good sisters, and then learn to give the best answer in a crisis when she tests you, and let her know that she is loved, accepted, and cherished.

Then, miraculously, the problems that used to get stuck between the two of you are disappearing one by one.

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