Flower-giving knowledge: when flowers are in the right mind, romance is in place

There is a trick to sending flowers.

When it comes to flowers, there is probably no woman who does not love them.

Although, men are actually very confused, wondering what good are these flowers that will soon wither and wither? However, women love them anyway, and sensible men also know how to send flowers to please girls. However, although men know the importance of flowers to women, they are very stupid when it comes to the way and timing of sending flowers. They often make mistakes, so that they spend a lot of money to send flowers, but end up being hated by others.

<Secret 1>

Big red roses are not for everyone

When you haven't caught up with the other party and don't understand the other party's intentions, don't send ninety-nine big red roses (it's better not to send flowers at all, so as not to be hated instead). There are some men who love to play romantic games and think they are good at picking up girls. They always like to send huge bunches of roses, thinking that having more roses means that they are satisfied.

Although women love being sent flowers, they hate being sent flowers by flies. If you are classified as a fly and already have a bad impression, then the bigger and more orthodox the flowers you send (regular red roses), the easier it is to be hated. When you are still chasing and the relationship is not clear, the most taboo is to send big red roses. If you really want to give it as a gift, it is best to send bellflowers and other flowers that are softer in color, and the flowers are not too domineering or dazzling, and they should not be too large, which is more appropriate.

It is suitable to send a lot of roses only when you are in love, or on special days such as Valentine's Day and anniversaries. But not all girls are suitable, the most important thing is to look at the personality of the girl. Of course, the little princess type is good for sending roses, but the sassy girlfriend may not be suitable. When a boy sends flowers to a girl, it means telling the girl what you look like in my eyes. Red roses are too old-fashioned. It is better to think of flowers that can make people feel unique and can properly describe your girlfriend.

<Secret 2>

The posture should be low-key, the effect should be high

If the relationship with the woman has progressed to the point where you can send flowers, don't be stingy with sending flowers, especially on important festivals such as Valentine's Day and birthdays. Moreover, flowers must not be given to girls silently in private. The way of sending flowers to the door of the lover's house without a third party seeing them from beginning to end is the worst way (although girls can also be moved, but they can't maximize the moving).

When sending flowers, it must be delivered just right, not only to surprise the girls, but also to satisfy the competitive vanity of women who love to show off.

Birthdays and Valentine's Day must be given, but just such a single gift cannot cause surprises. The best way is to send it the day before Valentine's Day, and even more on the anniversary. Moreover, before you plan to send flowers, it is best to ask your girlfriend first, to know what kind of flowers her colleagues have received in the past, what reactions they caused, etc., and then arrange the most suitable bouquet according to your girlfriend.

The best way to send flowers is to arrange in advance and ask the florist to deliver them to the place where the woman works, and it is best to let the woman sign for receipt during working hours under the watchful eyes of everyone. Don't go to the door to deliver it by yourself, it will be too high-profile and destroy the sense of mystery. Let the people in the flower shop deliver flowers, and you only need to write a small blessing card. When the flowers are delivered to the office, it will definitely cause a wave of commotion, and colleagues in the office will definitely discuss in whispers. When the woman accepts the flowers, it will definitely attract the envy of the onlookers, praise and discussions, and various remarks from female colleagues scolding her man. Although the girl may be very polite and modest at the moment, but in fact, it is very comfortable to listen to in her heart.

<Secret 3>

Satisfy the woman's vanity and heat up the relationship

The flowers are given so well that girls like them, and they can naturally show off to colleagues and compare them to other colleagues. The most important thing is that you must send different flowers every time, and you must not repeat them. If colleagues find out and point it out, it will be a shame to show off, and it may cancel out all the effects of sending flowers, so don't be careless.

In addition, having dinner together is also a good opportunity to send flowers. You can ask the florist to deliver the flowers to the restaurant first, and ask the restaurant to sign for receipt. After the meal, when the atmosphere is at its climax, ask the waiter to take out the flowers and give them to the female companion. This will definitely attract the envious eyes of other guests present. Satisfying the vanity and sense of superiority of women, sending flowers in this way can make girls feel the most useful, caring, and brimming with happiness.

Sending flowers is awkward.

When it comes to flowers, there may be no women who don't love.

Although these men are actually confused, I don't know what is the flower that is about to wither and disappear. However, in any case, women love, knowing each other's men know how to send flowers to please girls. However, although men Knowing the importance of flowers to women, they are stupid and often make mistakes in the way and time of sending flowers, so they spend a lot of money to send flowers, but in the end they are hated.


No one will send a red rose.
Haven't caught up yet, don't know the other person's mind, don't send 99 red roses (it's best not to send flowers, lest you get angry). Some men like to play romance and think that they are the masters of sisters. They always like to send oversized roses and think that more roses are equal to the heart.

Although women like flowers, they hate flies and send flowers. If it is classified as a fly, it has been impressed, so the bigger the flower, the more orthodox (red rose) the more easily annoyed. Still in pursuit, when the relationship is still unclear, the most taboo is to send a red rose. If you really want to send, it is best to send the platycodon and other colors are very gentle, the flowers will not be very domineering, the glaring flowers, not too big , more suitable.

It is only suitable for sending a large number of roses on a special love day after catching up, or on special days such as Valentine's Day and Anniversary. But this is not the right girl, the most important thing is to look at the girl's personality Of course, the little princess sends a good rose, but the savage girlfriend may not be suitable. The boys give flowers to the girls, which is equivalent to telling the girl how you look in my eyes. The red rose is too old- fashioned, or think about the clever flowers and can properly describe your female partner.


The posture should be low-key and the effect should be high
If the relationship with women has grown to the point where you can send flowers, don't send flowers, especially important holidays such as Valentine's Day and birthdays. In addition, flowers should not be given to girls silently. The way flowers are sent to the lover's door, from the beginning to the end, no third party is the worst effect (girls will be touched, but not maximized).

Sending flowers must be delivered just right, surprise the girls, and see the love of women by the way, showing off the vanity of competition.

Birthdays and Valentine's Day will definitely be delivered, but they are so single and not surprising. The best way is to send it the day before Valentine's Day and the anniversary will be sent. Moreover, before planning to send flowers, it is best to first explore the style of the female partner, understand what kind of flowers her colleagues have received in the past, what kind of reaction, etc., and then arrange the most suitable bouquet according to the female companion.

The best way to send flowers is to arrange in advance. Please send the flower shop to the place where the lady works. It is best to let the woman sign the work during working hours. Don't go out and send it yourself, it's too high-profile and destroys mystery. Let the flower shop people send flowers, as long as you write a small Fu card is enough. When the flowers are sent to the office, it will definitely cause a commotion, and colleagues in the office will Definitely Talk to Each Other. When a Woman Receives Flowers, it will definitly cause embarrasssment, admire the discussion, and all kinds of Remarks Made by Fema Le Colleagues. Although girls may be very polite to promot model, they are actually very composedable to use.


Satisfy a woman's vanity, warm feelings
It took a lot of time for girls to like it, it is natural to show off to colleagues and compare with other colleagues. The most important thing is to send different flowers every time, never repeat. can be pointed out that it will not be a big problem. It is likely to offset all the effects of flower delivery.

In addition, dinner is also a good opportunity to send flowers. You can ask the florist to send the flowers to the restaurant first and ask the restaurant to sign. When the meal is over, when the atmosphere reaches its climax, ask the waiter to bring the flowers out to the female companions, which will definitely attract the envy of other guests present. At this time, the flowers not only warm the feelings, but also satisfy the woman's vanity and superiority, so that the flowers can make the girl feel the most useful, the most intimate and the happiest.

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