Korean style bouquet of pink roses and white peonies


The whole line adopts Colombia (Colombia) rose/Ecuador (Ecuador) rose and other imported flowers from the plane (except for the flower basket flower card or special note), and is managed by the florist of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Art.

"Pink Rose and White Peony Korean Bouquet" is a gentle and elegant bouquet, suitable for female friends or relatives who like Korean style or pink tones. This bouquet is centered on pink roses and white peonies, embellished with fresh green leaves, creating a delicate and elegant atmosphere, conveying the blessing of love to the recipient.

We provide online flower ordering and flower delivery services, so that customers can easily purchase and arrange flower delivery anytime, anywhere. When you browse our website, you can see a variety of bouquets and floral works in different styles and colors, whether it is birthday, thanks, apology, Valentine's Day and other special festivals or occasions, you can find suitable bouquets and gifts.

Pink roses represent love and romance, while white peonies represent purity and nobility. The combination of these two flowers conveys a restrained yet noble atmosphere. The green leaves in the bouquet add a sense of natural freshness, making the whole bouquet look more harmonious and natural.

We provide fast, safe and reliable flower delivery services, so that you can easily send the most sincere blessings and thoughts, and let the flower recipients feel your care and love for them. If you have any questions or special needs, please feel free to contact our customer service, we will try our best to meet your needs and make your flower delivery experience smoother and more enjoyable.

In life, there are always many moments worth celebrating and commemorating. Let us use flower language to convey the best wishes to important people. We look forward to sending you the best quality bouquets and gifts, so that every thought from you can touch the hearts of the recipients.

<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)

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⛔️Never use second-grade Kenyan roses ✔️All products use higher-grade Colombian (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses and other imported flowers (except for flower baskets or flower cards or where otherwise specified) ✔️Floral arrangements by the Hong Kong American Floral Academy Master in charge. ✔️The first time to choose your own flower delivery time

Why do we insist Colombia (Colombia) rose/Ecuador (Ecuador) rose as your first choice for flower delivery service?

Because they are so special!

Delicate flower-shaped outline and unique dazzling color petals, unparalleled exquisite bright and delicate texture, comparable to the top jewelry in the rose industry. Create enviable and exciting flower-giving moments for you, simply order flowers online and deliver flowers as gifts.

Let's first talk about Colombia, a country located in the northwest of South America. The roses imported from this place are rarely seen! Colombia is located near the equator and is the origin of the world's top cut roses. Natural conditions such as mountainous terrain and precipitation make the flowers here have longer stems, larger buds and brighter colors. There are not too many peculiar varieties, but the flower patterns are relatively free and good quality, and the import quantity is not large, so the market price has been high.

Imported roses from Ecuador are often seen in top florists. In fact, Ecuador is very close to Colombia, and the terrain and climate are similar, so the quality of roses in both places is very high. Ecuador is the only country whose capital is located on the equator, marked by a tropical rainforest climate. The average temperature in Ecuador is between 18-29 degrees throughout the year. There are no four seasons, only the "rainy season" and the "dry season". This climate is simply too suitable for flowers! These unique conditions make the roses produced in Colombia/Ecuador loved by flower lovers all over the world.

Remarks: All kinds of flower gifts we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers every day, but due to seasonal and market supply reasons, our florists may have to replace them with the same/higher quality or similar colors according to the situation. .

*The product pictures on the website are for style reference only

From February 9th to February 16th, only the Valentine's Day bouquet series will be available / From May 11th to May 14th, only the Mother's Day bouquet series will be available

香港情人節送花服務專門店 Happy Valentine’s Day Delivery Flower Shop是香港一個網上花店品牌,提供網上訂花送花服務,多種款式包括99枝紅玫瑰、生日花束、鮮花花束、送禮花盒、開張花籃等。歡迎隨時查詢和訂購,更設有免費送花服務。

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